Monday 25 August 2014

Dinosaur writing

I have been meaning to put this clip up since last week and the children have been asking for it so finally here it is!
Last week we did some writing about 'What would you do if you had a pet dinosaur' and we watched this great song about a pet dinosaur to get us thinking about all the exciting things we could do.

Monday Writing

This morning we did something a bit different for writing. I told the children that I had a surprise for them and then we went for a long walk around the school until we ended up at the playground. Children got to play on the senior playground which was very exciting. When we got back to class we used the 5 W questions (where, when, who, what and why) to create a recount about what we did.

This is our brainstorm - the children came up with all these answers.

St Johns Visit

Our topic this term is people who help in our community and we had a fantastic visit from the St Johns Ambulance today. We learnt all about how the Ambulance helps us, how to ring 111 in an emergency, an ambulance noise and what sort of equipment they have in the ambulance. 

 We looked at the oxygen tank

 Maddie and Annikah got to dress up like Ambulance officers

 We got to put bandages on a friend I even got my arm and leg bandaged!

Monday 18 August 2014

Brain breaks

One of our favourite brain breaks at the moment is the gummy bear song.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Music Lesson

Well it was a very quiet day in Room 5 today with a nasty little tummy bug doing the rounds we had a very small class. 
Get better little people we are missing our vibrant class!

So today we had our first music lesson with Marvin, which was so much fun, here are some of things that we learnt today.

We learnt all about quavers and crotchets. Crotchets were the slow clap and quavers were the fast clap.
Here we are clapping the notes

Then we had a go on the instruments. 

We also learnt a song called 'Are you sleeping' 

Last of all we got to have a sing along to the fantastic 'Happy' song and we had a go at clapping crotchets and quavers.