Thursday 31 July 2014

Cross Country Running

This term we are training for our cross country race in week 8. We have been learning to warm up before we start running and to pace ourselves so we can last the whole race.

Here we are warming up and stretching 

 Practicing running on the course. We have some fantastic year 3's as our leaders to help keep us on track :) 

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Ma te mahi ka ora

This is one of our favourite songs to sing in the morning.
Ma te mahi ka ora 'Through hard word comes fulfillment' 

Reading activities

Today we looked at some new activities at reading time. 
We used the listening post and our cool new headphones. 

 We cut letters out of magazines to make blends.

Some reading groups did some independent reading.

Thursday 24 July 2014


At the end of last term we started looking at blends and we will continue to look at them this term. 

We have been singing our class blend song. We write the blend letters on our fingers and sing a little song. It is the same tune for all of the blends we just change the letters for example

s and l make sl sl
s and l make sl sl
s and l make sl sl
sl is a blend that we use

Here is Room 5 singing the sl blend song 

Here are some of the blend word brainstorms we have come up with.

Tuesday 22 July 2014


The children have all new dinosaur group names this term which they are very excited about and we have started using the reading tumble board. Children move around the different reading activities and every day they have different activities to complete.
All children worked so well together today helping each other make words, read stories and practice their blends.
               Maddie, Noah, Franco, Sheena and Carole making blends out of the playdough. 

 Camryn, Siennah and Lucas reading stories to the finger puppets and to each other.

 Annikah, Jannina and Nicole making words using the magnetic letters.

 Nicole, Annikah and Jannina with the playdough. After making some blends they started looking at the different shape cutters and making 2D shapes (we are doing Geometry for maths at the moment) Great thinking girls!!

Camryn and Siennah making some high frequency words on the board. They were very pleased with all the words they made. This picture only shows a few.

Friday 11 July 2014

Fish Art

My fantastic artists creating some colourful fish art for our topic area. 
The children picked a fish shape and then used tissue paper to collage it.

And here they are all finished

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Soccer skills

This term we also had a soccer skills practice.
They bought an inflatable soccer field and students got to have a game inside it and learn some skills like dribbling and stopping the ball.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Teddy Bears Picnic

At the end of the term, Room 4 and 5 decided to have a teddy bears picnic. 

We watched the teddy bears picnic on you tube first

Then we did some teddy bear activities. We made masks and puppets, put together puzzles, created patterns on porridge bowls, put things in order from smallest to biggest for the 3 bears, and made some super yummy teds in blankets. 
After all that excitement we snuggled up with our soft toys, blankets and pillows and watched The Lego Movie while we ate lots of yummy food :)

Kelly Tarltons

Here is a video of our trip to Kelly Tarltons 

Skip Counting

In the last week of term we looked at skip counting in 2's, 5's and 10's.

We practiced counting in twos by putting pairs of socks on the line.

These are some of the songs that we sang to help us skip count 


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