Tuesday 14 October 2014

Mission Day Friday

Welcome back everyone. What a fantastic first few days we have had back. The weather has been amazing and we are already hard at work :)
This Friday it is Mission Day and you will have seen some notices coming home about this. Just to clear a few questions up that I have had.
Children come to school in mufti with a gold coin donation for the missions. We will have church at 11am (I will double check this to make sure this is still the time and let you know on Thursday) for a small service which you are welcome to attend. Then the rest of the day is for the children so we ask that parents do leave after church. 
Children can bring a wallet or purse to hold their coins in and they get to go around the stalls and buy things or play games that the senior students have set up. 
On Friday there is also a sausage sizzle and these will be $1. Children will get to eat these before we go out to the stalls.

Please feel free to come and see me if you have any other questions. 

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